Ev3 Lego Parts
Ev3 Programmable Brick/Ev3 P-Brick: The voice and brain of your robot. The p-brick is were you store all your files.
Large Motor: This allows you to move your robot forward, and make turns.
Medium Motor: This motor allows you to move smaller items, such as claws, and shoot guns.
Infared Sensor: This sensor is like the eyes of your robot. It can tell how far or close an object is. It measures in proximity.
Touch Sensor: This sensor can detect when the button is pressed. It has three states. Pressed, bumped, or realeased.
Color Sensor: This sensor allows your robot to detect colors. It measures it reflected light intensity. The color sensor reflects the amount of light cans back. Black absorbs all light, so it has 0% light. White reflects all light, so it has 100% light.