Kolatam is a tradionnal sport in India. Kolatam is played with two sticks. Then you
special dances by hitting your two sticks with somebody else is.
Kolatam is played with many people at once. There are many different
designs for kolatam sticks. Here is one:
When I did kolatam in India a lot of people helped me includeing
my instructor. I had a lot of fun when I did it and it helped me relax. It was a lot
of fun. Lots of kind people helped me along the way. One time when I had my kolatam competion it rained so everyone had to go home and it was scheduled for the next day. Eveyone had to hide under the stage. The competion was also very late. My dad`s cousin helped me alot and my friend Vishnu. Here is one picture of me and Vishnu doing kolatam together:
Duiring my competion I had to wear a kanduva. Girls had to wear a chunni. Insid the temple some girls on my kolatam team were doing a special dance called bhareathanatyam. Here they are:
Kolatam was the best experience of my life.